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    • 91精品全国免费观看,国产做a视频免费观看,久久99视频免费,亚洲欧美日韩精品久久

      • 姓名: 吳敏
      • 性別: 女
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 職務(wù): 課題組長(cháng)
      • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
      • 電話(huà): 010-82543500
      • 傳真: 
      • 電子郵件: wumin@mail.ipc.ac.cn
      • 通訊地址: 北京海淀區中關(guān)村東路29號
        簡(jiǎn)  歷:
      • 2002年3月畢業(yè)于(日本)名古屋工業(yè)大學(xué),物質(zhì)工學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè),工學(xué)博士;?



        2004年8月-2006年7月,東京大學(xué),日本學(xué)術(shù)振興會(huì )JSPS外國人特別研究員;?



        社會(huì )任職:
      • 1.環(huán)境友好纖維素基功能材料;?




        5. 無(wú)機/高分子納米復合先進(jìn)材料

      • 1.國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目(No. 50773086),“纖維素微纖表面金屬納米粒子的自組裝及其功能”;?

        2.國家自然科學(xué)基金主任基金(No. 51043003),“納米纖維素的綠色制備及其分散性研究”;?

        3.國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目(No. 51172247),“纖維素及其衍生物對無(wú)機納米片的分散和穩定過(guò)程及性能研究”;?


        5. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目(No. 51472253),“石墨烯納米片/纖維素大分子界面作用特征及其利用研究”;

        6.國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)基金項目( No. 51733009),“晶面導向纖維素納米纖維化(1D)及片層化(2D)過(guò)程中凝聚態(tài)結構調控、羥基分布與材料性能的關(guān)系”;

        7. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目(No. 52073291),“基于溶劑驅動(dòng)的納米纖維素氫鍵網(wǎng)絡(luò )重構及功能材料的構筑研究”

      • 1.Lijiaqi Zhang, Yong Huang and Min Wu*. A partial dissolution-regeneration strategy for preparing water-resistant composite film of cellulose I and cellulose II with high light transmittance and adjustable haze. Composites Part B: Engineering 2024 274:111285-111294.

        2.Hongkun Wang; Xuran Liu; Min Wu*; Yong Huang ; Construction of multiple crosslinked networks for the preparation of high-performance lignin-containing cellulose nanofiber reinforced polyvinyl alcohol films, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 259: 129061-129072.

        3.Xi Chen , Yong Huang*, Lijiaqi Zhang , Jinfeng Liu, Chao Wang, Min Wu*Cellulose nanofiber assisted dispersion of hydrophobic SiO2 nanoparticles in water and its superhydrophobic coatingCarbohydrate Polymers, 2022 290:119504-

        4.Hongkun Wang, Xuran Liu, Jinfeng Liu, Min Wu*, Yong Huang*. Facile dispersion strategy to prepare polylactic acid/reed straw nanofiber composites with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties. International Journal of biological Macromolecules, 2022 221: 278-287.

        5.Dayong HuangMin Wu*Chao WangShigenori Kuga and Yong Huang*. Effect of Partial Dehydration on Freeze-Drying of Aqueous Nanocellulose Suspension. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering20208(30): 11389-11395;

        6.Tongling ZhangMin Wu*Shigenori KugaChinomso M. Ewulonu, and Yong Huang*. Cellulose Nanofibril-Based Flame Retardant and Its Application to Paper. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering20208(27): 10222-10229.

        7.Tongling Zhang, Shigenori Kuga, Min Wu*, and Yong Huang*. Chitin Nanofibril-Based Flame Retardant for Paper Application. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering2020, 8(33): 12360-12365.

        8.Yunxiu Zhang, Tongling Zhang, Shigenori Kuga, Min Wu*, and Yong Huang*. Polarities-Induced Weakening of Molecular Interaction and Formation of Nanocellulose with Different Dimensions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , 2020, 8(25): 9277-9290.

        9.Feixue Lu, Yaoyao Wang, Chao Wang*, Shigenori Kuga, Yong Huang, and Min Wu*. Two-Dimensional Nanocellulose-Enhanced High-Strength, Self-Adhesive, and Strain-Sensitive Poly(acrylic acid) Hydrogels Fabricated by a Radical-Induced Strategy for a Skin Sensor. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(8): 3427-3436.

        10.Xuran Liu, Yanding Li, Chinomso M. Ewulonu, ?John Ralph, Feng Xu, Qilin Zhang,; Min Wu* and Yong Huang*. Mild Alkaline Pretreatment for Isolation of Native-Like Lignin and Lignin-Containing Cellulose Nanofibers (LCNF) from Crop Waste, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7(16): 14135-14142.?

      • 1.泰山產(chǎn)業(yè)領(lǐng)軍人才;

        2.獲第十五屆北京發(fā)明創(chuàng )新大賽??北京市“金獎;

        3.第十五屆“創(chuàng )新大工匠”一等獎。